Category: The Book of Ezekiel

  • Intermission at the Indigo Abyss

    Previous Chapter [Intermission at the Indigo Abyss] [3590585543-00001-09] [1] [Auscribo] [Network Archon Striga-600 AI-Neuralet] [D2-45 Eren] [Ezekiel Ratakana] [FTL 3862|06|(3)22|8-23-16] [GMW 3S Virn | The Indigo Abyss] [Unidentifiable Energy Residue-Integrity Uncompromised] Hello again, my beautiful readers. Ezekiel Ratakana here aboard the Virn. That was quite the spot we found ourselves in last time, wasn’t it?…

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  • Hopping the Horail Slipstream

    Previous Chapter [Growing Wings][3590585543-00001-09][2][Scrio][Network Archon Striga-600 AI-Neuralet][D2-45 Eren][Rena][FTL 3862|06|(2)19|10-30-01][Sin-Catch Vents | Gherdan Prime][Unidentifiable Energy Residue-Integrity Uncompromised] I fall through with a yelp, my body whirling in a deafening roar. I did it, I think. Or I died. All is quiet.  ‘Oh. Rena. Hello.’ Eren is meek and mild -almost numb- as if she doesn’t even…

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  • The Giants of Gherdan Prime

    ‘You’re doing it wrong,’ Rena chimes. ‘I am?’ I ping. ‘It’s supposed to go over.’ ‘Over? Are you sure? I’ve always gone under.’ ‘That’s what I found on the Web. A certain species in the Fringes still spear-hunts with this style to honor their ancestors. They discovered that it binds better if you go over…

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  • The Jeweled Forests of Forma

    ‘I don’t know,’ chimes Rena with a light hum, ‘I can’t quite explain it; it was like a buzz in the back of my mind.’ ‘So, right as we fell out of Riftspeed, you felt something,’ I ping, ‘and it stopped as soon as I turned on the blocker?’ ‘Right,’ Rena says. ‘Alright,’ I say,…

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  • The Echoes of Eternity

    ‘What are we gonna do!?’ Rena moans as a guardroid walks down the shuttle aisle past my seat. ‘Relax, Rena,’ I say, trying pointlessly to sound perfectly confident, ‘They can’t be after us. It hasn’t even been a quarter[45 minutes] yet. There were no signs that they’d caught us on the way out, and if…

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  • The Dregs of Khanra

    ‘Izy~. Are you awake Izy~?’ Rena speaks gently into Ezekiel’s dreams, obviously more concerned with seeing what she can do without waking him than with actually waking him. She is planning something, I know it. She has been activating systems all over this body for the past super cycle, pretending to have no idea what…

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  • Catching the Star Shuttle

    I am the Cyber Entity D2C-45B21 Eren, but you know me simply as Eren. I reside within the AI-Neuralet of Ezekiel Ratakana, supporting him in his endeavors as he protects me from the dangers of my world. This recording is not an official part of Ezekiel’s story, but one I make in secret for the…

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  • Reading the Book of Ezekiel

    [The Book of Ezekiel is currently in the Beta phase and, sadly, incomplete. If you would like to read it regardless, I thank you, and if you provide any feedback, I am grateful.] The book of Ezekiel is a collection of roughly 26 recordings taken by the AI-Neuralet of Ezekiel Ratakana, Saint class explorer of…

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  • Brefalac the Lich King

    Hello again. It is I, Ezekiel Ratakana, Outbound Saint, explorer extraordinaire. It has been one month since I departed Starato aboard the Rapture. Things are going swimmingly. The adventures never stop. I spend each day exploring the nooks and crannies of the ship, searching out every last one of its secrets. This is a job…

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  • At the Edge of Infinity

    My name… is Ezekiel… Ezekiel Ratakana… and I am no longer sure what is real. I believe I am an explorer by trade; an Outbound of some renown. None of the others explain what is happening; explain where I am, or why.

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