Welcome to the Archive

Here, you will find all manner of personal accounts from all over the galaxy, recorded and etched into memories then brought here to be shared with all who might take interest.

The first of which is the meaning of color within the text. While reading you will often come across words or phrases of different colors and with a differently colored background. Each of these colors serves a specific purpose to assist you in navigating the Archive. The following is a list of such colors and what they represent.

  • Color: A channel to the Greater Archive. Activating text in this color will bring you to a different section (an external link to World Anvil).
  • Color: A channel to another entry in the story section. (an internal link to another page of this blog).
  • Color: An entry’s raw data. Text in this color serves to provide information about a recording such as when, where, and by whom it came about. This text also doubles as a header when multiple recordings have been grouped together into a single entry.